Our Vision



Valuing both testaments of the Bible as invaluable teaching and instruction. The Bible teaches the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God shows his love and heart through the narration in scripture. His love for us, and the depths of it are unimaginable.

God exists in three persons, the Father, Spirit, and Son. Jesus is the Invisible God, he performed miracles that confirmed this. He lived a sinless life and helped others learn more about the truth of God. We are called to be passionate followers of Jesus and not just simple admirers.

People are more important than things. Jesus came to Earth to show us that. We may not be perfect, but He is. We try and show that through our missions and actions. We value people, that they were created in God’s image, that everyone deserves a second chance, and that everyone makes mistakes. Our mission is to grow as a church family. Communication with God is powerful and important. We believe that prayer is sacred and should be a guide in our life.
